Comprehensive Magic Assistance Programs

Level 1: Divination and Prediction
Cost: €3000 per year


1 annual divination
12 monthly divinations
52 weekly divinations on specific questions
Total: 65 divinations

Level 2: Diagnosis of Magical Attack
Cost: €2000 per year


52 weekly diagnoses
Benefits: Timely detection of a magical attack can save you significant costs, preserving your health, family well-being, and business success.

Level 3: Full Package (Divination + Diagnosis + Removal of Negative Influence)
Cost: €5000 per year


All services from Level 1 and Level 2
Removal of negative magical influence as needed
Installation of three levels of protection as a gift
Bonus: If no magical influence is detected within a year, €500 will be carried over to the next year or can be used to pay for other services.

Special Program 4: Annual Deposit
What it is: You can deposit any amount as a prepayment for future services, ensuring that assistance will be available when needed.

Annual Package “Family, Children, and Love”
Cost: €8000 per year


12 monthly divinations for the family (parents, spouse, and children)
Protection for all family members
Biannual cleansing from all negative influences

These programs allow you to take care of your future and the future of your loved ones in advance, receiving necessary magical services in a timely manner and at an advantageous price.