In the closing days of 2024, the European Bureau of Magic will gather for the last time to celebrate the magical festival of Yule on December 21, extending its activities until December 30. On this day, a collective ritual will also be held during the New Moon in Athens, Greece. The following year, 2025, will see the release of new books by the mage Amanar, including «Combat Magic,» «Astral Karate,» «Astral Projection,» «Elemental Magic,» «White Magic,» «Gray Magic,» and «Pact with the Devil.» All books will be published in English in digital format and will be available on Amazon. The Organization of United Magicians will commence its work in January 2025 during the first full moon in Barcelona, Spain. The agenda will focus on the «European Center for Magical Education» as a foundation for professional training for both current and future generations of mages, witches, and sorcerers.

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Open chat with the magician Amanar
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Hello. In your very first message (via WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram, or email), please send photos and names of all participants involved in your request (for example, in the case of a love spell, the photos and names of both individuals).

Additionally, state clearly what you wish to achieve with magical assistance (e.g., a love spell for a partner or a curse on an enemy). If your first message does not include photos, names, and the purpose of your request, you will not receive a response.

Only after I receive and review the photos, names, and the aim of your request will I be able to inform you of the cost, timeframes, and guarantees of the work. I work only with full upfront payment. The cost of assistance starts from 500 euros and higher.

Divination (an answer to one question) and curse diagnostics (for one person) cost 100 euros. A photo and video report of the night ritual work will be sent to the client after each ritual. I provide consultations throughout the entire process.

The client pays a fixed price without negotiation once, and I work with them until they are satisfied with the result. Please contact me only in written form. Phone calls are prohibited. Services are offered remotely only.

Best regards,
Magician Amanar (Andrey Balaban).